How it started...

W.T. Distribution Services Ltd based in Kendal, Cumbria are a trusted name in the logistics industry, providing comprehensive warehouse and order fulfilment services. They help businesses streamline their supply chain, manage inventory, and ensure timely delivery of products to customers. Their old website, however, was outdated and failed to reflect the dynamic nature of their business.

W.T. Distribution Services approached us with a simple yet crucial task: modernise their website. Their primary goal was to have a website that serves as a reliable reference point for their customers. They needed a fresh, contemporary look that would firstly clearly communicate their services but also enhance the customer experience by being easy to navigate and work seamlessly across all devices.

We started with a virtual meeting with the W.T. Distribution Services team to understand their needs, goals, and the negatives of their current website. Once we felt we had fully understood the task in hand, we created a selection of design concepts offering various styles which touched on the range of inspiration that the client referenced during our virtual meeting. Our designs focused on a clean, modern aesthetic with a user-friendly interface. We respected the existing colour scheme and typography that aligned with the brand identity while giving it a fresh, contemporary feel.

The client was pleased with our clean and simple approach and after a follow-up meeting, where they shared their feedback on our concepts, we started building the website with a mobile-first approach. This way, it looked fantastic and worked smoothly on all devices, from desktops to smartphones.

We ensured the layout and structure of the website reflected the clear and concise content that effectively communicated their services and values.

Before going live, we conducted rigorous testing to ensure the website was free of bugs and presented well across different browsers and devices. Once we were happy with the performance of the website, we planned a seamless transition to the new site, minimising downtime and ensuring everything was in place for the official launch.

W.T. Distribution Services Ltd | Bespoke Web Design | Kendal, Cumbria
W.T. Distribution Services Ltd | Creative Web Design | Kendal, Cumbria

The journey so far...

Early feedback, suggests customers have found it easier to navigate the new website and access the information they require. We fully expect the improved website will contribute to business growth by attracting new clients and strengthening relationships with existing ones.

Overall, our collaboration with W.T. Distribution Services was a success. By focusing on user experience, modern design, and clear communication, we delivered a website that not only met but exceeded their expectations. The new site serves as a reliable reference point for their customers, reflecting the dynamic and professional nature of their business.

What we've created for W.T. Distribution Services Ltd...

Website Development
Website Hosting
W.T. Distribution Services Ltd | Web Design | Kendal, Cumbria
W.T. Distribution Services Ltd | Responsive Web Design | Kendal, Cumbria
W.T. Distribution Services Ltd | Responsive Web Design | Kendal, Cumbria